Inspired to Act

"More Reason Than Most To Hate..."

Thrive Ireland Season 1 Episode 3

Diane Holt and Will Leitch meet two of the people working at the heart of reconciliation and peace building in Northern Ireland.  Both provide support and services to victims and others affected in the years of conflict, but in subtly different ways.  Kenny Donaldson works with SEFF, the South East Fermanagh Foundation.  Alan McBride works with the Wave Trauma Centre based in Belfast.  He's perhaps better-known as the man who lost his wife  in the Shankill Bombing 30 years ago.

In this edition both men tell Diane and Will why they are inspired to do what they do, and why their Christian faith is inevitably a part of that.

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Produced for Thrive Ireland

Made by Commission Christian Radio

In association with The Northern Ireland Community Relations Council

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